Dutch Bros. is a brand that has stayed true to their Oregon roots by encompassing what it means to be a successful Oregon Brand: lifestyle, locality, and loyalty. We came up with 3 “wrongs” that makes Dutch Bros. the right way to be a successful brand in Oregon.
1. The Menu
Since 1992 Dutch Bros. has been inventing and reinventing their menu. Known for their original names and tasty drinks Dutch Brothers, Dane and Travis Boersma expressed their creativity and laid back attitude through their menu. Dedicated to their customers there is something for everyone; young, old, caffeine addict or caffeine free. The menu has grown in a secret way as well by offering 200 underground drink options for the more adventurous Dutch Mafia members.
2. The Concept of a Drive-Thru
Dutch Bros fits into its own original niche with their drive-thru system. Some may criticize the simplicity of a drive thru and question the motives. However, Dutch Bros. doesn’t lose its quality even though it is convenient. Employees use the window as their stage to create meaningful relationships with customers. The drive-thru is an advantage that Dutch Bros can capitalize on three things: speed, quality, and customer service. Whether it is playing upbeat music, throwing treats to dogs, and just being bubbly and friendly, Dutch Bros. is the only place you can get your coffee and watch a show put on by the “bro”istas.
3. People over Profit
Most businesses focus solely on revenue; Dutch Bros. does the opposite. They are a company that believes in making people their main focus: people over profit. Jeremy Seiver, a 3-year Dutch Bros. employee stated, “We care about people being happy not about how much money we make. The number one thing is that we create relationships with people, not just through the coffee, but personal relationships through the way we interact with our customers.” Dutch Bros. is financially successful, not because of the products they sell, but the way they sell them.
We call these “wrongs” because they are things that Dutch Bros. has done differently from a standard business model. As a family orientated Oregon business, Dutch Bros. has stayed local and added to the success of Oregon’s economy because they were willing to take a chance and step outside of the typical business model. All three of these “wrongs” have been around since their original beginnings. Their history and success have proven that these three “wrongs” can and do make a right.
Through our research, we gathered everything there is about the Dutch Bros. culture. Below we made a commercial for the brand about their drink named the 911. This video showcases the brands unique drive thru customer experience and ties the three points together. Enjoy!
We also created a timeline of the company’s history to display our research. Click the link below to learn more.
Dutch Bros. Love Abounds.