Marketing Manager, Bonnie Larson,  along with beekeeper and founder, Dick Turanski, began GloryBee on the simple premise of creating quality products produced from the natural resources of Oregon. GloryBee began as a small business that quickly rose and expanded within its market because of Larson’s and Turanski’s strong community, moral and business values. GloryBee has seamlessly transitioned into a business that operates on a multi-million dollar level, but treats consumers with an individualistic service.  Since 1975, GloryBee reigns as one of the most environmentally conscious and versatile green companies in the business. GloryBee was harvested off of the ideal that they would provide their consumers with the ingredients for healthy living. Now isn’t that sweet?

The success and brand development of GloryBee has been deeply influenced by the culture and resources that Oregon provides. Larson is entirely aware of what Oregon encapsulates, and how GloryBee strives to support that, “Oregon is about nature and earthiness; we support that.” GloryBee has created a business that thrives off of Oregon and in turn supplies products that help their customers support Oregon. GloryBee is efficient, healthy, and most importantly supports Oregonians on their journeys to healthy and clean living.

GloryBee proved itself successful amongst their most loyal and repeat customers, which they deemed “The Supernaturals”, but all bets were off when they encountered “The Dabblers”.  The discovery of the market audience described as the Dabblers sparked GloryBee to completely rebrand their company. Dabblers may not sound malicious, but are knowingly the hardest market to capture and integrate into their consumer base. Dabblers are the consumer who mostly consumes processed foods, but would be willing to try out the organic product if it stands out on the shelves, or if they see it on TV. The rebranding of GloryBee gleefully removed the cobwebs from their 50s style design and developed a fresh and modern logo that would span across all target markets. GloryBee’s new cleaner design attracts the dabblers that would before disregard the product; finally defeating the dabblers.

GloryBee’s business model revolves around the resources and ideals of Oregon, but more importantly they take their meaning from Oregon. From producing quality and healthy products, to creating a community where their consumers can support green and healthy living.  Glorybee has found success in offering a healthy alternative to processed foods and goods. They refuse to sell out to larger corporations and investors and plan on keeping the company a family run company even through the generational change of presidents. GloryBee has proved that Oregon ideals and influences can build a brand around living out the Oregon way of life. GloryBee has been and will continue to be successful because they care and provide for their customers through complete honesty and unwavering transparency.

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| 22 | Senior | Advertising Major | Favorite Food: Guacamole

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