One Hell of a Road Trip

The Oregon Coast is best described as diverse. Each section of the coast has its own flair that adds to the unique qualities the Oregon Coast has to offer. From the north all the way down south, Oregon’s coastal range has a plethora of attractions like state parks, hiking trails, historic landmarks, sunsets that take your breath away, gourmet seafood, and craft beer. This is why the Oregon Coast makes for “One Hell of a Road Trip.

Timeline: Oregon Coast History

Oregon Coast Timeline


Oregon has a rich history of pioneers and hardworking settlers who have capitalized on advantages of a diverse geographic landscape and abundant natural resources. It all started with Lewis and Clark in early winter of 1805, where they built Fort Clatsop near present-day Astoria. Although their adventure observing Oregon’s land and establishing relations with Native Americans wouldn’t be validated until a half century later (official statehood attained in 1859), the impact of this excursion laid the foundation for future Oregon settlers.12

When people began flooding in to benefit from the logging and fishing industry, the need for infrastructure and economic expansion followed. In 1870, the first lighthouse on the Oregon Coast was built at Cape Blanco to aid sailors in navigating.13 In 1874, Oregon State Land Board began to sell public tidelands to private landowners. Subsequently, resorts were built parallel to the beaches in Seaside, Newport, and Rockaway Beach.2

The demand for ease of transportation between coastal cities emerged. In 1913, legislators created the Oregon State Highway Commission, which began to buy land along state highways for parks and scenic views. Under OSHA, the U.S. Highway 101 was completed in 1926, running all the way from northern Astoria to southern Brookings.14 By 1950, the Oregon Coast boasted 36 state parks that made Oregonians and visitors flock to these areas.2

Upon public request, Governor Tom McCall passed the Oregon Beach Bill in 1976, allowing beach access to everyone.2 The stage was set for logging, fishing, and tourism industries to flourish. In 2003, Oregon Coastal tourism revenue (wages and salaries in travel-related industries) totaled $363.8 million and continues to experience success to this day.8

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  Alison*elle | Vancouver Fashion, Beauty, and Lifestyle Blog: Oregon Coast. | Alison*elle

Government & Support Organizations

Highway 101 is one of the largest attractions Oregon has to offer. Highway 101 goes through the 7 counties that make up the Oregon Coast, and every county has a variety of support organizations dedicated to provide a business environment that supports the establishment and growth of entrepreneurial small businesses with training, financing, role models, and support services matched to the business’s needs.8

Economic Development Alliance of Lincoln County or (EDA) is just one example of a support organization helping small business thrive on the coast. EDA collects important information for businesses like legal entities, financial resources, human resources, and market research. All of their hard work helps keep the Oregon Coast a tourist hot spot by supporting the small businesses that make it up.7

In addition to these support organizations there are a handful of helpful websites. For tourists there is visittheoregoncoast.com10, where every town on the coast is listed, along with all the attractions the town has to offer. For businesses, there is www.oregon4biz.com8, which has an amazing collection of resources for businesses to use.


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Flickr Creative Commons: Haystack Rock | Andrew Hefter


The Oregon coast isn’t a warm and sunny place; it’s quite the opposite.  The Oregon Coast is known for being dark, windy and rainy. Despite the weather, there are many things that make the Oregon Coast seem rare and worth exploring. The culture is shaped by a variety of coastal influences like any other coastal town, but the Oregon coast has a few secrets hidden within its rich heritage.

Each part of the coast is similar to one another, but also very different. Driving along Highway 101, you will see numerous historic lighthouses, old-growth forests, and sleepy fishing communities, all of which contribute to the culture that surrounds the Oregon Coast. In addition, many types of attractions also highlight unique sections of the Oregon Coast.

The northern coast offers local craft breweries, such as Fort George, Pelican, Seaside Brewing, and others. Rugged Haystack Rock and the ruins of the Peter Iredale shipwreck reside on the northern coast.10  The state cheese leader, Tillamook Creamery, has its facility and cows also nestled within the northern coast range.6

The central coast is home to the nation’s largest coastal sand dunes,11 and the sea lion caves. Whale watching, crabbing, and glass blowing also bring attention to the central coast of Oregon, while the southern coast is a major golfing and fishing charter destination.5

Charming and picturesque, the Oregon coast has an eclectic culture composed with a close network of fishing towns, dairy farmers, artisans, craft brewers and a rugged scenery. There is something for everyone to enjoy on the Oregon Coast range. Each part of the coast is different, but each one offers something exclusive to its region. The Oregon Coast will always have a “small-town” feel to it, but it will also continue to surprise many who explore its diverse culture.


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Flickr Creative Commons: Yaquina Head Lighthouse | Peter Roome


Brands that make up the Oregon Coast have a loyal communal following while also catering to the booming tourist market. The diversity of the brands, as well as the landscape, make this one road trip you won’t forget.

Our trip begins practically in the northern most section of the Oregon Coast, in Seaside. Here you can visit the aquarium and the beach, then finish your day off with the renowned Seaside Brewing Company. Located within a century old city jail, this pub screams originality and offers five of its own brews to prove it.1 Spend some time with your friends or chat with the locals; they’ll always have a story to tell here.

Just short of 50 miles to the south lies our next destination Tillamook, the land of cheese, trees and ocean breeze. This area is unique in that the majority of the residents are cows, and they are the driving force behind its economy. Here you can take a day trip to the Tillamook Cheese Factory and see where some of the nation’s greatest cheese is produced. Not only are the tours self-guided, meaning you can explore as you please, but they are completely free and so are the multitude of cheese samplers you’re bound to run into.6

Another 50 short miles down the scenic Highway 101 will land you in Gleneden Beach where you can experience the coast in all its magnificence. Whale watching hubs dot the Oregon coastline and you can find a couple here.10 One can also stumble upon any number of rock formations that send waves exploding and spraying 40 feet in the air, demonstrating the raw power of the ocean. Once you’ve had your fill of maritime amusement you can make your way back to the Salishan Spa & Golf Resort. Here you and the family can enjoy a round of golf overlooking the vast Pacific followed by a relaxing spa treatment. You can take advantage of endless acres of hiking, as well as complimentary day trips to wineries and other coastal attractions.9

After a quick ten-minute drive south you will find yourself in Depoe Bay, where you can experience up-close whale watching and exhilarating deep-sea fishing at Dockside Charters with veteran guides that guarantee your enjoyment.3 Depoe Bay is also known for its high and low tides, which turn caves large enough for spelunking into fantastic tide pools. The Devil’s Punchbowl is an especially famous tide pool here, as many come from miles just to see it.10

Finally after an additional 60 mile drive south you will arrive at Florence as well as the largest coastal dunes in the country.11 Stop by Sand Dunes Frontier and make the dunes your playground. Rent a buggy or ATV and endless fun awaits you, or take the giant buggy tour in which 20 people are loaded into a buggy the size of a small bus, taking the dunes head on for a one of a kind experience.11


   Flickr Creative Commons: Oregon Crabbing | Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife

Coastal Advantages

The Oregon coast is one of a kind for so many reasons. For starters, The Oregon coast has a fantastic rocky shoreline with some wonderful windy roads, which make for breath taking views of waves crashing upon the rocks. From the North coast all the way down to the South coast you will find beautiful and unique landscapes full of life, from pristine pines to luscious shrubs, from Spotted Sandpipers to majestic Roosevelt Elk, and everything in between.  It’s these features that bring hundreds of thousands of tourist from around the nation to the Oregon coast.

Take a trip to the Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area or (NRA); they are the largest coastal dunes in North America. These dunes cover nearly 40,000 acres stretching from North Bend down to Florence. Some of them sit a whopping 500 ft. above sea level. These dunes attract off-roading and motorsport enthusiasts from all over to cut loose and have some fun. If that’s not your style there are plenty of other things to do at the dunes. The NRA has lots of hiking trails overlooking the beautiful Oregon coast, perfect for photographers, and hikers. It’s also a great spot to bring your horse where you can ride and soak in the beauty that is all around.11

Oregonians enjoy their beer; so naturally the coast has a great following of craft beer connoisseurs who have a variety of breweries to choose from. Breweries such as Rouge, Pelican Pub, Seaside, and Fort George attract locals and tourists together for the perfect pitcher of beer. No matter where you are on the coast you’re not far from a great brewery. What’s a road trip without a great beer? A commute, that’s what.

The fishing industry is a prominent economic driver for most coastal communities along Highway 101.8 Most coastal towns have their own charter fishing boats that facilitate small fishing excursions and whale watching adventures. The fishing industry also contributes a steady stream of fresh seafood to local restaurants. These restaurants attract a large population of foodies, which account for a lot of the revenue generated in these coastal communities.8

Every town has it’s own unique vibe with various small shops, restaurants, and tourist attractions such as lighthouses, tide pools, campgrounds, vista points, state parks, art galleries, glass blowing, and the list goes on and on. It’s apparent that the coastal businesses cater to the tourist market, and has made the Oregon Coast the premier place to go when visiting Oregon.


The Oregon Coast is a road trip worth taking. Experience historic landmarks, culture, seafood, craft beer and leave saying, “Wow, that was one hell of a road trip.” Whether you are a college student looking for an adventure, a family who needs a vacation, or a retired couple looking for a getaway, a visit to the Oregon Coast is the perfect trip. The cool thing about the Oregon Coast is that it is full of adventure and allows you to tell your own story because the only thing better than reading a great stroy is creating your own.

Works Cited for Text

1 “About Us.” Seaside Brewery. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 Feb. 2015.

2 “Coastal Services (April 1998) – Which Way to the Beach? Oregon’s Beaches Belong to the Public.” Coastal Services (April 1998) – Which Way to the Beach? Oregon’s Beaches Belong to the Public. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Feb. 2015.

3 “Deep Sea Charter Fishing in Newport Oregon, Tuna Fishing, Halibut Fishing, Salmon Fishing, Bottom Fishing, Crabbing and Whale Watching, Yaquina Bay Charters.” Deep Sea Charter Fishing in Newport Oregon, Tuna Fishing, Halibut Fishing, Salmon Fishing, Bottom Fishing, Crabbing and Whale Watching, Yaquina Bay Charters. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Feb. 2015.

4 “Featured Project.” Earth Economics: Home. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Feb. 2015.

5 “Oregon Coast Visitors Association.” Oregon Coast Visitors Association RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Feb. 2015.

6 “Our History.” Our History- Tillamook. Web. 2 Feb. 2015.

7″Priorities: Economic Development Alliance of Lincoln County, Newport, Oregon – Business Relocation and Expansion Services.” Priorities: Economic Development Alliance of Lincoln County, Newport, Oregon – Business Relocation and Expansion Services. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Feb. 2015.

8 “Regional Data.” Business Oregon. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Feb. 2015.

9 “Salishan Spa & Golf Resort Gleneden Beach, OR.” Salishan Spa & Golf Resort. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Feb. 2015.

10 “Travel Oregon.” Oregon Coast Information, Maps & Resources. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Feb. 2015.

11 “We Have It All!” Florence Oregon Sand Dunes Guided Tours. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Feb. 2015.

12 “Fort Clatsop.” Discovering Lewis & Clark. The Lewis and Clark Fort Mandan Foundation, n.d. Web. 04 Feb. 2015.

13″Oregon State Parks.” Parks & Recreation Department: Cape Blanco State Park. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Feb. 2015.

14″Public Road Inventory.” Transportation Data Public Road Inventory., n.d. Web. 04 Feb. 2015.

Citation for Images

15  “3057_pacific_rock_crab_munsel_odfw.” Flickr. Yahoo!, n.d. Web. 02 Feb. 2015.

16 “Alison*elle | Vancouver Fashion, Beauty, and Lifestyle Blog: Oregon Coast.” Alison*elle | Vancouver Fashion, Beauty, and Lifestyle Blog: Oregon Coast. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Feb. 2015.

17  “Dog Days.” Flickr. Yahoo!, 16 Sept. 2009. Web. 02 Feb. 2015.

18  “Oregon Light.” Flickr. Yahoo!, 02 Dec. 2013. Web. 02 Feb. 2015.

Citation for Timeline Images

19  “Cape Blanco Light.” Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 02 Feb. 2015.

20  “Flag of Oregon.” Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 02 Feb. 2015.

21 “Lewis and Clark Expedition.” Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 01 Feb. 2015.

22  “Oregon Closes Two Willamette Greenway Properties to Hunting on Sept. 3.” OutdoorHub. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Feb. 2015.

23  “Oregon Coast – Travel Portland.” Travel Portland. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Feb. 2015.

24 “Oregon State Capitol.” Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 02 Feb. 2015.

25 “Pacific Coast Highway Oregon.” Pacific Coast Highway Oregon. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Feb. 2015.

26  “Watch Now: Oregon Experience | The Beach Bill | OPB Video.” PBS Video. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Feb. 2015.


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