Evidence gone Yonder

The advertising industry today resides in a place that is unexplained to most. Outsiders of the creative process may find themselves asking: What do people in advertising really do? and Why do companies pay millions of dollars for campaigns? People in the adverting industry respond to these questions with many different answers. Some claim to have some sort of emotional tie, one that only they can then provide for potential consumers. While others proceed to have a beer and joke about how lucky they are to be paid to create and influence the public. With all that being said, Jason Ehrlich, creative director at Yonder, does things differently. Ehrlich doesn’t live in a land of unicorns and rainbows, (even though some of his work includes them), he creates change based in planning and evidence. Brands are begging for this type of advertising, campaigns focused in evidence of real consumer values.

Yonder has developed a creative linear approach: using the combination of research and the infamous “gut feeling.” When combined, great work can ensue. While other agencies go for flash and gimmicks that are based on very little evidence to sell, Yonder is actually putting in work for what they are being paid to do. Not just work that simply looks great, but work that responds passionately to connecting with the consumer needs. And when Jason is asked what he does and why he gets paid, he can answers, “I create real change.” This is what advertising should be.

Jamie Price

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